The paper that gets results!
When you advertise with us, you're sure to be seen; our papers have a total circulation of 31,000+ in 14 surrounding cities. We offer targeted advertising by letting you choose between one or a combination of publications and zones, which in turn gives you the best coverage for your dollar! See below for the different ways you can advertise!

Feature Section
(includes all five newspapers)
Circulation: 6,500

Regional Reporter
Circulation: 1,450

Berlin Journal
Circulation: 2,500

Circulation: 1,050

Green Lake Reporter
Circulation: 950

Omro Herald
Circulation: 1,150
Pre-Print Inserts
Rates are priced based on weight due to mailing costs.
Maximum size for inserts in The Billboard is 12” x 15”, maximum size for paid newspapers is 8.5” x 11”. Inserts exceeding these dimensions will be assessed with an additional folding charge.
of Insert
in Ounces
.2 to .7
.8 to 1.0
1.1 to 1.3
1.4 to 1.6
1.7 to 1.9
2.0 to 2.3
2.4 to 2.6
2.7 to 2.9
3.0 to 3.2
3.3 to 3.5
3.6 to 3.8
3.9 to 4.1
4.2 to 4.4
Per Piece
$ .06
$ .07
$ .08
$ .09
$ .10
$ .11
$ .12
$ .13
$ .14
$ .15
$ .16
$ .17
$ .18
*Please call to check early holiday deadlines.​
Scheduling - 7 Days PRIOR to publication date
Delivery - Noon Thursday before publication date
All inserts should be shipped to:
Berlin Journal Newspapers
301 June St., Berlin, WI 54923
Shipping & receiving hours are M-F, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
please provide us with the weight of 10 pieces.

Announcements appear in our paper's feature section for one week:
Anniversary, Wedding & Engagements - $50
(Includes 1 Photo)
Obituary - $50
(Includes 1 Photo)
Additional Photos - $10 each
Death Notice - $25
(Only appears in Billboard)
All classified ads automatically appear in The Billboard, Berlin Journal, Princeton Times-Republic, Green Lake Reporter, Markesan Regional Reporter and Omro Herald.
First 10 Words - $9
Per Word After - $0.30
Bold Lines - $1
Blind Ad - $5
Proofs - $5
(Price PER WEEK)
Rates are price per column inch per week:
The Billboard................. $17.50
Any ONE Newspaper...................$16.00
Feature Section OR
County Pages*............ $23.00
The Billboard & Any ONE Newspaper................... $23.00
The Billboard, County Pages* & Feature Section......... $27.00
*County Pages are in all weekly city newspapers EXCEPT Omro.
*Please call to check early holiday deadlines. All ads requiring proofs must be submitted 24 hours before deadline.
The Billboard - Noon Fridays | Newspapers - Noon Mondays
Submission Policies
Special placements will be accepted as space is available. Premium positions such as front and back pages are sold on a first right of refusal from last year.
All copy subject to publisher’s approval. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement or approval by Berlin Journal Newspapers.
All political ads must be prepaid and have “Authorized & Paid for by...” included.
All finished ads must be submitted in the form of a high resolution eps or pdf. Please contact us for more information or any questions.
A proof will be provided upon the customer’s request and additional proofs will be charged at $10 EACH.
Payment for advertising (other than cash-in-advance) will be due at the end of the month following service. Balance will be subject to service charges. Unpaid past balance on any account may result in cancellation of pending advertising without prior notice.
Berlin Journal Newspapers reserves the right to refuse service because of poor payment history, or require prepayment of advertisements.
Berlin Journal Newspapers reserves the right to refuse advertisements on the basis of content or quality of production, and assumes no liability of statements or claims made in advertising copy.